Department of Surgery
Surgery, branch of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of injuries, diseases, and other disorders by manual and instrumental means. Safe Surgery Saves Lives. Safe surgery has significantly reduced mortality and morbidity of the surgery. Surgeons have made magnificent contributions in education, clinical care, and science. The surgery department at JIMCH comprises highly experienced senior surgeons and competent staff. Department of Surgery at JIMCH is well equipped with a standard diagnostic laboratory, operation theatre, imaging system, ICU, HDU and an excellent anesthesia department which have allowed the surgeons to maximize the operative care, particularly in high-risk patients. Our doctors help in making the surgical experience easier for the patient.Operations of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, liver, gallbladder, and bile duct are done by our general surgeons.
JIMCH, which is a centre of excellence for various surgical procedures to using conventional & minimal access technique. The following are the few general surgery procedures routinely done in JIMCH.
- Upper GI, Lower GI Surgery
- Colon & ano-rectal surgery
- Gall bladder, hepato-biliary & Pancreatic surgery
- Breast Surgery
- All types of hernia surgery
- Excision of Lumps & Bumps
- Accidental & Emergency Surgery
- All types of Urological procedures
- Diagnostic laparoscopy