What is Epistaxis?
Epistaxis also called acute hemorrhage or nose bleed is a medical condition in which bleeding occurs from the nasal cavity of the nostril. Nose bleed can occur due to a trauma to the nose, due to accident, or injury to the interior of the nose from pricking. Nosebleed or epistaxis can be classified according to their site of origination as anterior and posterior. Anterior nosebleed is common and does not require medical attention, while posterior nosebleed is rare and requires immediate medical care. Epistaxis is common in children and older people.
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Risks
- Prevention
Bleeding usually starts from one nostril. In case of heavy bleeding, it may fill up both the nostrils and overflow the nasopharynx. In certain cases, blood may drip back from the nose through the throat to the stomach. A person is likely to vomit in such a condition. The common signs of excessive nosebleed are:
Excess blood loss may cause dizziness and fainting, confusion, loss of alertness and light-headedness. However, the condition is rare.
Bleeding from other body parts like teeth, gums, nostrils, etc. indicate inability of blood to clot.
Additional bleeding from other parts of the body, such as bleeding gums when brushing teeth, blood in urine or bowel movements, or easy bruising also indicate an inability of the blood to clot
The major factors that cause epistaxis or nose bleeding are broadly categorized under local (fracture due to a sharp blow, or nose-picking, etc.) and general factors. Nosebleed generally starts from just inside the entrance of the nostril, on the middle harder part of nasal septum. Blood vessels of this region being fragile, rupture easily and begin to bleed. The factors causing nosebleed possibly are:
Structural or anatomical deformities like hereditary hemorrhage.
Nasal sprays and prolonged usage of nasal steroids (particularly prolonged or improper use of nasal steroids).
Middle ear barotrauma due to sudden change of pressure.
Surgery such as functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
Exposure to warm, dry air for prolonged periods of time.
Allergic rhinitis.
Deviated or perforated nasal septum.
Cocaine use.
Infectious disease (cold) or high blood pressure.
Connective tissue disease.
Certain drugs like aspirin, warfarin, isotretinoin, desmopressin, etc.
Pregnancy (rare, due to hypertension and hormonal changes).
Vascular disorders.
Vitamin C and vitamin K deficiency.